Enhancing Opportunity and Justice

Precinct4Forward advances opportunity and justice for the 1.2 million residents of Harris County Precinct 4. We are a 501(c)(3) charitable organization created by Harris County Commissioner Lesley Briones in 2023.

Our Purpose

Precinct4Forward builds partnerships to amplify the impact of Precinct 4 initiatives and to implement innovative solutions to local challenges.

We aim to improve the lives of Harris County families by increasing access to health care and education, supporting economic development, improving public safety and justice, and building resilient infrastructure. 

Support Precinct4Forward

Your donation will impact thousands of Harris County Precinct 4 residents.

Immediately after Hurricane Beryl storms hit the Harris County area, we purchased water, ice, coolers, food and other supplies to distribute to people without power and those who were most in need as temperatures rose steeply. We will continue to provide immediate relief with your gifts.

Your donation will help support our work.

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